Lo Peix - 5 magnificent days on a boat
The state flag of Amazonia. The stars represent the municipalities in Amazonia, of which Manaus is one.
The day after arriving in Manaus, I left on a five-day trip up the Rio Negro on the Lo Peix, a small, pretty blue and white Amazon cruiser with captain Jordy Miguel from Barcelona at the helm.
With me was a father and his two sons; Tom Sr, Tommy and Daniel and Jordy's father, also named Miguel, a 76 year old Spaniard Catalán who is the embodiment of what you think of when you think Spaniard.
left to right: Tommy, Daniel aka the Rapper and Tom Sr.
A great group and the trip quickly turned into an intimate private excursion - we all got along incredibly well with me acting as interpreter between the Americans and the Spaniards.
Birds, jungle and more jungle, indigenous communities, monkeys, and the immense neverending and humbling expanses of river that dwarf what you may picture in your mind.
Macaco de cheira
With Raymundo el marinero and Geruse the cook we were fed and taken care of like kings!
Raymundo el marinero and I at Tupé beach
With the Queen of the Galley, Geruse
I am tempted to join Jordy and his crew during the last days that I still have open in Manaus; it's that great.