Manaus, at least my superficial impression of it, is that it is what it is: a rough edged port town with a few spots of beauty- parks, restored colonial buildings- but for the most part I see no reason to come back except to get onto the river and away as quickly as possible.
Sad to see such decay: there are many crumbling colonial buildings that would enhance the city but, since the owners can't be forced to cooperate and the authorities have other things on their minds, these dot the city like bombed out ruins from another time.
Looking down at the street near the river-front from my 8th floor vantage point.
Sidewalks quite literally are sprinkled with deep holes, uneven pavement and trash so you must be very aware of where you are walking.
The ruin of the Ana Cassis Palace Hotel in front
The church near my waterfront accommodations has no bell, and what I thought was a loud and annoying car alarm is actually a recording that plays on the hour, of some bells recorded in 1923 (sounds like) and re-recorded multiple times to create the distorted effect of a headache-inducing call to prayer in a remote part of a distant islamic country.
Taxi drivers are not very talkative and somewhat stoic, with the occasional smiley exception. Of course I don't falar portugués so that's probably my fault. I remember this about Portugal when Maru and I were there many moons ago; the difference between the serious, slow moving Portuguese and the hyper, chatty Spanish.
Me at the Teatro Amazonas on my first afternooyin Manaus
What made my stay and saved the experience was my absolutely lovely airbnb host Mauro, who is the kindest individual ever, checking in on me and offering to drive me here and there within the city. Definitely above and beyond. Thank you Mauro!
More photos on the Manaus page in the photo section.
Obrigado! Thanks for reading.